One of the most anticipated things about Easter for my kids is the beloved Easter egg hunt. This year, I’ve decided to make the hunt even more fun with this Easter Scavenger Hunt! It uses fun clues and riddles the kids can use to find each treat!
I’ve compiled a series of clues for hunting down those elusive Easter treats that you can share with your family for a fun Easter morning. All you have to do is print the clues, cut them out, and hide them with a treat to have your kids running around the house looking for the next one!

How to play the Easter Scavenger Hunt
If you’ve never done an Easter egg scavenger hunt, we’ve made it really simple for you!
First, download and print out the Easter Scavenger Hunt clues onto either regular or cardstock paper. Cut each clue out.

on the last page of the printable, there is a list clearly stating where each clue should be hidden (there is a number on each clue to match up with the place to hide it). Hide each clue in its place, along with a little treat, if desired.

Give each child an Easter basket to collect their treats in. Hand a child the first clue and have them figure out where it leads them to (the next clue). As they find each clue, they collect a little prize along with a new clue to the next hiding spot. I like to put on some fun music in the house while they hunt – it keeps the energy up!

For the final hiding spot, I like to add a bigger ‘prize’ or treat to wrap up the game. But it’s up to you! You can adjust this game however you see fit!
What you’ll need:
For this Easter Scavenger Hunt, you will need
- Easter Scavenger Hunt printable, clues cut out
- 11 smaller treats (11 per child) to place with hidden clues (see below for variations to this)
- 1 larger treat per child for the final clue
- A basket for each child to collect their treats in as they find them

Easter Scavenger Hunt Variations
Here are some ways you can mix this game up:
- Place a small chocolate egg (one or two per child) at each clue, so that every time they solve a riddle, they get some chocolate to add to their hunting basket.
- Place the clue and treats inside a plastic egg (you can find these at the dollar store) to make it even more fun!
- If you like the healthier route, you could add a healthier treat, like their favourite crackers or some berries. I would place them inside a plastic egg to keep them from making a mess
- Some people prefer to hide spare change with the clues, that way the game ends with each child having a bit of money they can spend on a treat of their choice!

What age is good for an Easter Egg Hunt?
This Easter Scavenger Hunt is perfect for kids around 4-7 years old, but that doesn’t mean other children can’t enjoy it too!
Perhaps the best part of this Easter Scavenger Hunt is the family time that it involves.
Older kids can help hide the clues and treats, read the clues, and encourage the little ones. They could even write up more clues to add to the hunt (head’s up, for the search to work well, hide additional clues between clues 11 and 12 on the chart to be sure the last clues lead them to the final prize).
Toddlers can follow along with their own little basket, collecting treats at each spot the child finds (perhaps hide some toddler-friendly treats at each spot, as well).
Whatever ages you have around for Easter, there is some way they can all get involved!

How to get the FREE Easter Scavenger Hunt printable
To access this printable, all you need to do is click the link and enter your email address. The printable will be sent to your inbox right away for you to download and print whenever you need it. Easy!

Other FREE, printable resources:
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