My monthly meal plan and grocery haul system has been a game-changer in our home. Read on to find out why, and how you can do it yourself!!
Finding ways to save both time and money is always a priority for me. It allows me to prioritize more quality time with my family. It also gives me the ability to achieve my financial goals (debt freedom, anyone?!).
About two years ago I decided to try doing a ‘monthly grocery haul’ . Basically this entails planning your meals for a month at a time. It also entails doing one major grocery shop that will last an entire 4 weeks (except a few fresh items each week). I was tentative at first, as it looked like a huge undertaking. However, when I learned how much time and money it could save my family, I knew I was up for the challenge!!
A bit of trial and error, and a few months later, I was hooked!! Here’s why, and why I think you might want to give it a shot!
A monthly meal plan & grocery haul will save you money
Since I have been doing monthly grocery hauls, I have saved my family at least $200 a month! This is because by only going on one big grocery shop every 4 weeks, I am limiting my time in the store. This means I reduce impulse buys (chocolate and chips and cookies and ice cream and….). Did I mention it also helps keep me healthy?!

Grocery hauls allow you to buy bulk
Before I shopped for groceries monthly I would buy just what I needed each week. However, I never found I had enough money to take advantage of bulk sales. For example, I had enough budgeted that week to buy a $7 pack of chicken, but not enough to buy the $25 club pack, which was actually cheaper per chicken breast. In the end, I was wasting my hard-earned money.
Buy doing a monthly grocery haul, I have one lump sum of money that I can use for the month. This allows me to buy the larger, club pack and bulk items, as I will need more food to last the month. Costco, here I come!!
Meal plans and grocery hauls are a great plan for busy families
Monthly meal plans are grocery hauls are a game changer for busy families. No more rushing around in the evening after work wondering what on earth you are going to make for dinner, while your children climb your legs saying they are hungry! Now you have a plan every night based on how you feel, what you want to eat, and what will make a healthy dinner! Yes! Freedom!
Because you are planning your meals by the week, not the day, there is flexibility. You can decide which meal works best for each evening, depending on how you’re feeling. Maybe one day you need a frozen pizza thrown in the oven (this is what we plan for swimming lesson nights). Other days you may feel like cooking up something with a bit more effort. You can do both on this plan!

Sure you need to spend a chunk of time once every 4 weeks planning your meals. However, as you will read in my next post, once that is done, your thinking is done for the next month! Also, you can make your plan as easy or complex as you like, depending on how much time you have in the evenings, and how much you like to cook.
Everything you need
Looking to follow a particular diet? Have kids that like certain meals? This system covers it all!
Ok I know I sound like an infomercial, but that’s how excited I am about this! Let’s say you follow a Keto or gluten-free diet. This system lets you plan out your meals so you know that you have the ingredients you need to make your healthy choices! And as I said earlier, it helps reduce impulse buys, which can quickly derail your health goals…

This monthly grocery haul and meal plan also allows me to ensure I have lots of my kid’s favourite foods mixed in with my own healthy choices. This helps ensure everyone is happy with dinner at least a few times every week.
Change with the seasons
Planning monthly hauls can be done using the same meals every week/month, or you can mix it up! Perhaps in the warmer weather you will be more inclined to plan light, fresh meals (pasta salad and barbecue for the win!). Maybe winter meal plans will include more slow cooker meals and stews. It’s up to you! The sky’s the limit (just don’t forget to stick to your budget)!

Where to begin
If I’ve got you convinced that grocery shopping only once every 4 weeks (minus a quick jog in for fresh produce) is worth a try, read my next post. It provides a step-by-step breakdown of how exactly I create my monthly meal plan and grocery haul. You can also sign up to receive my free printable meal plan & grocery haul guide! It makes it even easier for you to try in your own home!

Are you ready to start shopping for a month at a time? Ready to free your evenings from the stressful decision of what to have for dinner? Let me know in the comments below if you think a monthly meal plan and grocery haul might work for you!
Let me know in the comments below!
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