Natural, homemade baby wipes are a safe and gentle way to clean a baby’s bottom. What’s more, they have tons of other uses around the home!
This recipe for natural, homemade baby wipes has been a life-saver! It saves me time, money, and most importantly, my sanity! It also gives me peace of mind knowing that I am putting a healthy product on my baby that has many benefits. All you need are a few simple ingredients and a few minutes of time!
When I gave birth to my first child, I knew that I wanted my baby exposed to as few chemicals as possible. Many of the conventional baby products on the market contain ingredients I can’t pronounce and don’t want to put on my baby’s skin. So I began looking to the natural-health world for chemical-free alternatives. What I found were products with much cleaner, natural ingredients! Unfortunately, they came with a hefty price tag ($7.00 for one pack of wipes!!). Since we live on a small budget, this price tag is simply not sustainable for our family!
Coming Up With A Solution…
Because I knew we couldn’t afford to purchase every natural baby product on the market, I turned, of course, to Mom. What did my Grandma use to clean a dirty baby bum? I know people have been doing this since human existence began, so there must be more than one way to do it!
Mom stated simply that people just used some water and a cloth. That simple. That easy.
Now. This worked for me for a time. However, running to the washroom to wet a cloth every time I needed to change the baby proved a bit difficult (often I only remembered to wet the wipe once the poop-smeared baby and diaper were already exposed on the change table…). I attempted to solve this problem by having a small pail of water beside the change table to dip the cloth in as needed.
This was great until the baby kicked it over. And the water needed to be changed regularly to keep the pail from getting stale and slimy…
A better way…
I knew there had to be a better way. A way that I could quickly clean up an exploding poop on-the-spot that was both natural, homemade, and easy. How could I merge what mothers before me had accomplished with the resources I have at my disposal today??
After a little research and a lot of trial and error, I had my answer! I was able to develop a natural, homemade baby wipes solution. It lasts a long time and is made with simple, natural ingredients that I can easily access. In addition, it is chemical-free, and works like a charm to quickly clean up any mess my baby challenges me with! Furthermore, it takes only minutes to make!
How to make natural, homemade baby wipes
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In order to make these natural wipes quickly each time you need a new batch, you’re going to need to keep a few items in your home at all times. Don’t worry, most of these items have many other uses, such as in this natural foaming hand soap recipe.
The ingredients:

1. Distilled water: Distilled water is better than using regular tap water because it is so pure that it doesn’t ‘spoil’ as quickly. Also, I find tap water will get slimy quickly or leave hard water deposits over time. Grab an inexpensive jug of distilled water and keep it in the pantry.
2. Witch Hazel: Be sure to find pure witch hazel, with no alcohol in the ingredients list. Witch hazel acts as an anti-inflammatory to help soothe baby’s skin. Additionally, it softens the skin, which helps maintain that ‘soft as a baby’s bottom’ feeling, literally!
3. Liquid Castile Soap: This natural soap works wonders to clean all the stubborn bits off a baby’s bum! It contains natural antibacterial properties, and is gentle enough to use on eczema-prone skin. It can be found in a fragrance-free variety, or scented with baby-friendly essential oils like lavender.
4. Aloe Vera Juice: Many makers of homemade diaper wipes suggest using aloe vera gel. I have tried this and always find the gel doesn’t blend well with the rest of the ingredients, keeping it’s gel-like state. Because of this, I have switched to aloe vera juice, and won’t go back! It is thinner than the gel, with many of the same soothing and hydrating properties.
5. Essential Oils: I like to use lavender or sweet orange essential oils in my wipes solution. They are safe to use around babies, and provide a calming scent (which we need when wiping up that diaper explosion that went straight up the baby’s back…).
Additional Add-In’s
Here are a few additional ingredients you can add to your natural, homemade baby wipes if you want the added benefits:
6. Olive Oil. This adds an extra moisturizing quality to the diaper solution. A little goes a long way with this so don’t add in to much or it won’t absorb evenly through all the wipes.
7. Vitamin E. This can be found in capsule form in most vitamin aisles. I would simply poke one or two with the tip of a paring knife and squeeze the oil into my diaper solution. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, and reduces redness and scarring. In addition, it helps moisturize the skin. This makes it perfect for the sometimes-irritated baby bum.
Which wipes to use
Which wipe you choose to use is a personal choice. Some parents are looking to have little-to-no waste, and choose to buy or make cloth wipes. Other parents feel too busy to manage the added laundry and mess. For them, I recommend the Bounty Select-A-Size paper towels.
Simply saw the roll in half to achieve a perfect size for a baby wipe! Then you can either accordion fold the wipes and fit them into a plastic wipes container, or place the roll in an upright tall plastic container, pour the solution over top, then pull out the damp cardboard roll from the center. In this case, you pull each wipe from the center of the roll. Bounty paper towels don’t disintegrate in the solution, tear easily along the perforated line, and are a perfect size.
More uses for natural wipes solution
The solution for these natural, homemade baby wipes can be used in many other ways, especially for busy families! Some additional ways you can use this recipe are:
- Put solution in a spray bottle for a quick clean-up of muddy knees and arms after kids come in from a big outside adventure!
- Keep a container of these wipes in the car for road trip emergency clean-ups of all varieties!
- Pack the wipes or a spray bottle of solution in your summer picnic basket. A quick hand-wipe out at the park ensures your kids have clean hands before eating!
- Try using these natural homemade baby wipes as makeup-removing wipes for yourself!
- Keep a spray bottle of solution in your beach bag. It helps clean sandy hands and dirty faces. Additionally, it is a safe and natural way to wipe sand off sippy cups and wipe down items before packing them back in the car.
- We always bring this wipes solution camping! It works for ALL clean-ups!
- Keep some spray near the baby’s highchair for a quick clean up of spills.
Natural Homemade Baby Wipes
- 1 1/4 cups distilled water
- 1 tbsp pure witch hazel (be sure to use alcohol-free witch hazel)
- 1 tbsp aloe vera juice
- 1/2 tbsp pure castille soap
- 6-7 drops lavender or sweet orange essential oils
- 1/2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
- 2 capsules vitamin E
- 1 pkg paper towels, cut in half with serrated knife (Bounty Select-A-Size works best for this)
- In a glass measuring cup mix all ingredients until fully incorporated. To add vitamin E capsules, pierce them with the tip of a paring knife and squeeze oil into wipes solution.
- Place wipes of choice (fabric or paper towel) into a container (see notes).
- Slowly pour liquid in measuring cup over wipes. Allow to soak into wipes for a few minutes. Use as needed!
Shop this post:
Bounty Select-A-Size Paper Towels
What do you think?
Do you prefer natural homemade products for your children? Are there any products you like to make for your baby? Let me know in the comments below!
Check out more natural DIY recipes!
Two Ingredient Foaming Hand Soap
Wrinkle-Reducing Whipped Nightly Moisturizer
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Thanks so much! I’ll try it this week!
Since I’m trying to figure out if coconut irritates my baby’s skin, instead of Castile soap, I’mrñ replacing with cetaphil soap.
Should I refrigerate it or just keep it room temperature?
I think that substitution should work. I don’t refrigerate mine, as we go through it so quickly. I suppose if you are storing it for an extended period of time, then refrigeration would help as it contains aloe, but if you’re using it within a few weeks, it should be fine out of the fridge.
Hope that helps!